Music making us smile!

Since August last year we have been working with national charity Nordoff Robbins to provide music therapy at our Esmond Street service. Nordoff Robbins is the largest music therapy charity in the UK and is dedicated to changing the lives of vulnerable and potentially isolated people. It works in partnership with care homes, schools and hospitals all over the country.

sylvia nordoff robbins

Recently, Nordoff Robbins published the results of it's evaluation of the work at Esmond Street, and it confirmed the real difference it has made to the lives of the people who take part. Almost all of those asked found working as part of the music group a very positive or positive experience, and this includes staff and family members who took part. The sensitive way in which our therapist Mary works with people who might not otherwise engage with such work is reflected in the outcomes recorded. As well as producing a statistical survey, the evaluation report also gives some specific descriptions of how some of our service users have participated positively.
We have already made the evaluation report available to everyone connected with the work at Esmond Street, and will be glad to share this with anyone else who is interested. We are currently working to gain funding for an extension of Nordoff Robbins’s work, and hope this this will continue to be part of our programme in the future.

        willie nordoff robbinsmaryann nordoff robbins